Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Should I let my husband buying an expensive car?

Should I let my husband buying an expensive car?

While I am not sure about our future financial situation, I don't want to be obstacle to his wills.Should I let my husband buying an expensive car?
It is both of you that have to make a decision. If it is in your financial means for your husband to own an expensive car without sacrificing other things such as food, travel, etc..., then why not? You only live once and should enjoy good things in life.Should I let my husband buying an expensive car?
Then you both need to sit down and figure out your financial situation. See what you have set aside for you future, are all your bills paid up to date, are you in any debt at all? I wanted and expensive car as well about 5 months ago. Anyways, my wife and I sat down and went over our financial situation. All our bills were paid up to date, our home was paid off 100%, we had no debt at all. We also had a very large amount put into savings, plus we had a second savings account with 10 months worth bill money, another words if we both lost our income we could live comfortably for 10 months without help from any one. In our checking account we had enough in there to pay the next 3 months of bills as well.

So money wasn't and issue for us with purchasing this car. Then we talked about whether or not we really should purchase this extremely expensive car. After talking about that we decided that we hadn't done anything for ourselves in a few years due to having 17 kids. So we both agreed and I was able to go out and get this fully loaded Lamborghini Gallardo for me and a Lamborghini Murcielago for my wife both are 2009's.

Were both retired now for 2 years now; were both 49 years old. We raised 17 children, put them all through college, paid for our 7 daughters weddings. We owe nothing to any one and now its out turn to have what we want. The only bills we have is power, heat, phones, and insurance and the taxes for our home and property. And we had been talking about this car for a very long time. My wife also loves these cars as well. So she got hers on Aug 4th, last week for her birthday! She was surprised, happy, cried, and excited, overwhelmed just pure joy!! I've haven't seen her since, lol kidding she's having a great time!

So talk it over, figure out where your at financially. Tell your husband your not saying no, but you want to make sure that your not putting yourself in money trouble for something that you actually do not need! I think you understand what I'm saying!
If you currently have a car that works fine talk your husband into keeping that money in your pocket. even though now is a buyer's market the risks of the unknown are too high, unless GOD sayed go get it. but be subject to your husband for that is the will of God
depends on what brand.

foe example: aston martin=yes

but yes, you should. trust me, you'll love it. all the people staring. all the people looking at you enviously.....
Yes, but you are now a couple, %26amp; what hurts one hurts both. Did he ask your opinion ??

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