Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is the purpose of having a bf or a husband?

Is it OK to want to remain single forever from now on?

Why is there all this pressure to get married?What is the purpose of having a bf or a husband?
it's ok to want to enjoy your freedom a while... but it's nice to have a companion as well... there is no rush to get married... take your time and time will tellWhat is the purpose of having a bf or a husband?
I think if someone wants to be single, its their life, so go for it. If thats what makes you happy, do it. Your the one that has to live with your life, and no one else, so do what feels right to you :)

I personally love being married. My husband and I have known each other since we were teenagers. Ive loved him since the first time i saw him. I couldnt imagine life without him. i wouldnt want to spend my life without him, so marriage was right for me. But its not right for everyone.
Yes it is ok to remain single for as long as you want to. Its ok to do whatever feels right for YOU

Dont let anyone cloud your judgements or morals, just be true to yourself.

The only advice I can give you, is dont give up hope of ever finding love, otherwise when it comes your way you may miss out on one of the best life experiences you can ever have.

sure its ok. you do whatever makes you happy. if you feel pressured or trapped it wouldn't work anyway. when it comes down to it it is important for you to be happy. don't let anyone tell you how it has to be, especially when your working with your feelings. there is a lot of good and bad to being married and to being single depends on the person.
Yes! B/f's or husbands are good for sex!

Kidding aside, being married or being in a commited relationship feels wonderful, simple things like when weekend approaches, the question would be ';what are WE doing this weekend?'; instead of ';what are you doing this weekend.'; Someone to love who loves you back and depend on emotionally and physically is very comforting.
If you wish to have a bf or husband for companionship, that's perfectly normal.

If you wish to have a friend to fill that bill, and remain single, that too is perfectly normal.

Anyone is free to choose their own lifestyle. There's no need to allow anyone to pressure anyone into anything.
Of course it is okay. I believe we all do what is best for us, well in theory we should do that.

I am engaged and that is because I feel like its the ultimate way i can show my committment and my husband to be believes that same.

I respect those that have different views and yes their relationships are just as serious. some people are just too rigid in their belief sets and believe that society should be one and the same for all - which is unobtainable.
If you have to don't need either.

It is okay to remain single. Never settle for a person just because of people pressuring you to have someone in your life. Maturity is being able to love yourself, by yourself and for yourself.
Nobody, can force you to get married to anyone.

I don't understand what you mean by ';pressure'; .. but because in our society today, people take marriage as ';you have to';

But! you don't, it's your life, live it how you want.

gd luck
the purpose is to get certain attention and security. Men or women. what ever your preference. I tried the independent woman thing thinking i only need me, i got tired.
Some people are threatened by single people. It is hard to understand when someone doesn't want to be with someone for the rest of their life. But if you are happy with that then everyone else needs to mind their own business.
Because people just can't seem to mind their own business, you don't have to answer to anybody, you do what makes you happy, the heck with them.
its how nature works. there is nothing wrong with being single, not much fun but each to there own.
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  • Why am I better at soothing my baby than my husband?

    Is it because this is what women were biologically made to do?Why am I better at soothing my baby than my husband?
    your baby spent 9 months in you, the last few months all he or she heard was your voice. Your voice is soothing to the child. Then you probably breast-fed the child, developing an even deeper connection.

    Of course there's going to be a different relationship, your husband is playing catch up now.

    Babies love their mom unconditionally, they're addicted to your voice, your smell, and your warmth because it's all they've known.

    so to answer your revised question: Really it neither. It's easier for you to sooth the baby for the reasons above. You could make a stretch and say that your husband is stronger than you and therefore has a stronger touch than you do -- or that your husband is used to more rough play, sports, etc so he doesn't know how to be gentle and soothing enough for a little baby. But that's assuming these things are true, which is a pretty big generalization.

    congrats on the addition :-)Why am I better at soothing my baby than my husband?
    ';How to bond'; is both innate and learned BUT I really don't think that the concept of ';maternal Instinct'; is universal because otherwise all women would want to make babies and clearly not all do (including me). I have no interest in babies, never did and never will.

    'Parenting and Attachment

    Advice For Bonding With Your Baby'

    'The attachment bond is a special parent-baby relationship that influences future mental, physical, and emotional development. When this bond is secure, it fosters self-awareness, flexibility, and trust. But when this bond isn’t secure – as can happen when a parent feels overwhelmed, suffers from depression, or lacks parenting skills – it can lead to future problems for the baby.

    The good news is that anyone can learn how to successfully bond with baby – even if you had a troubled attachment relationship yourself. It’s never too late to learn the skills. You can also improve the attachment relationship with older kids.

    What is secure attachment and why does it matter?

    At birth, an infant’s brain is wired for connection to his or her primary caregiver, usually the mother. This connection between the primary caregiver and the baby is known as the attachment bond. The success of the attachment bond depends on the parent’s ability to understand and respond to the infant’s physical and emotional needs. When the parent and the baby are in sync with each other, then the baby develops a secure attachment. The baby feels safe, knowing that mom or dad will be there when needed.

    Why secure attachment is so important for your baby’s future

    The success or failure of the parent-baby attachment bond has a life-long effect on the way your child feels about him or herself and about others. Individuals who experience confusing, frightening, or broken emotional communications during their infancy often grow into adults who have difficulty understanding their own emotions and the feelings of others. This limits their ability to build or maintain successful relationships.

    But when people develop a secure attachment bond, they are better able to:

    Develop fulfilling intimate relationships

    Maintain emotional balance

    Feel confident and good about themselves

    Enjoy being with others

    Rebound from disappointment and loss

    As important as a secure attachment is, it is not beyond the reach of most parents – including working parents. Nature has programmed mothers to love connecting to their babies as much as babies love connecting to their mothers. The process of bonding successfully with your baby releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your body that motivate, energize, and make you feel happy. Creating a secure attachment with your infant may take a little effort, but the rewards are huge, for both your baby and you.';
    It's based on the individual. I have no discernible maternal instinct, despite being female: I hold babies with my arms straight out, don't coo over boiled lobster-looking newborns, and am generally uncomfortable around kids until the age of seven, when they appreciate being treated vaguely like adults. My father, on the other hand, cried at the end of ';Juno'; and is very sentimental about small children.

    You can't make such distinct generalizations against 6.76 billion people. Women are certainly ENCOURAGED more, but both genders make adequate parents.
    well since you didn't tell us the whole story could it be that you force your husband to work while you stay home with the baby when you can be the one working and him staying home.....could it that maybe you make your husband feel inferior with some of your remarks like the ones you made here........not all women make better parents
    My son (who is 4 months old) rejects me for his mother on a regular basis. There is no possible way he's learned anything yet, and I have approached him in the most genderless way possible, to no avail. Women are biologically made to nurture children.

    Don't get offended by the truth. When the baby is crying, it knows that mom has THE nipples. It is quite soothing for them. As suckling is one of the five responses a baby is born with. If you touch lightly on the corner of even one day old baby's mouth, it will pucker its mouth to that direction and seek your finger and suckle it.
    this is what you say, but ask from the baby. he/she see you as a food supplier nothing more. any body even Hitler can be the one.

    All of those “special” characters that they “give” to “mothers” are false.

    “mothers” are the number one in generating criminals.

    The child learns how to hate from them.

    There is no special relation between child and mother, it is only the law of survival.

    They “love” only THEIR child, don’t care about any others.

    “they have very good feeling with child…., they understand them better…,”

    yes, they kill them five together.

    Now they call it abortion, such a great feeling with child which they have!
    what a tap on your own backs load of shite two

    we fathers have our own way i always got handed my child when she was in need of soothing especially when teething time came and colic %26amp; measles doctors injections

    the mother could not cope with such stress

    i also revived our child when we were in a colder climate and the child had gone blue %26amp; stopped breathing in the middle of the night.

    the mother admittedly was the one to wake and find the covers off the cot but all she could then do was panic %26amp; she is the RN
    No it doesn't. It's because you are mom.

    It doesn't have anything to do with what you are doing. Baby just knows your mommy and is more calm with you.

    Babies connect with their mothers at first more, it's not that women just know what to do.

    women (generally speaking) are nurturers.

    We have the maternal instinct that men don't.

    We're soft and are hard and rough.

    All the men in my babies, but they always end up passing the baby back to one of of females...saying ';here';'re better at this than me.

    Yeah, women have softer features than men, and out voices are higher and softer and more calming to listen to. Women are just better at soothing period.
    Well that baby has known you for 9 months longer than the daddy.
    The answer to most nature vs. nurture questions is a combination of both.
    yes... women r natural nurturers.... were lots better with kids an animals than men...
    for 1 thing your skin is softer to the touch.

    Need Help with a scrapbooking page title for pic of Husband with new Garage toolbox?

    I have 3 pics one of him standing beside it, one of him looking in it, and one of him opening the drawers. This toolbox is huge 7ft tall 4 ft wide and 3ft deep. He has waited forever for it.

    Anyways I need a good page title for a scrapbook page.

    All help will be greatly appreciated.Need Help with a scrapbooking page title for pic of Husband with new Garage toolbox?
    My Handy man

    Why is my husband jerking off and not having sex with me?

    I have caught my husband several times jerking off to porn on the internet or tv! Why wont he have sex with me? We haven't had sex in over a month maybe even 2 months. When I catch him I dont be-little him or anything, I try to act like I didnt see anything so he isnt embarrased.Why is my husband jerking off and not having sex with me?
    Some of you guys are very insensitive bitches! I mean come on these are real people with real problems that could happen to guess who even you! so just stop being rude and either answer the question.

    I would just talk to him even know most of the time even I an a little scared to bring up the private stuff but you are his wife and if what is going on is hurting you you should tell him, i mean he has nothing to be embarrassed about everyone is guilty of pleasing them selves I mean go help him out the next time you catch him offer him a hand!Why is my husband jerking off and not having sex with me?
    Start letting him catching you doing the same thing, maybe he'll get the hint and start having sex with you again, since you do have child with needs, he may feel that there is a chance you could get pregnant again and have another one, you can also ask him why he's doing that by himself instead of with you. You could also offer to join him while he's doing that.
    You need to talk to him about it. Most guys like to do both, so who knows what is going on with him. Or you could just wait until the next time you think he is indulging and then go help him out. If he refuses to let you participate I would say he has lost interest in you sexually or romantically. Masturbating is easier since he only has to worry about his own pleasure, no pressure from having to please someone else.
    Ah, half your problem is that you act like you don't see it. Next time put on a very big smile and ask if you can help him finish up.

    For a lot of men it is easier to just take care of business on our own. We don't have to worry about if she's had a good day and might be in the mood. We don't have to worry about spending time getting her aroused. Remember, a man is ready as soon as he decides he wants sex.
    How about joining him in his new hobby of watching porn? Then you are there with him and can initiate some action. Also talk and maybe get an idea of what he wants, or desires. Main thing is you two have to talk and understand each others wants and desires honestly, and openly
    You need to talk about this asap. My husband was doing the same thing it took a long time before we figured out he is addicted to porn and that it has nothing to do with me. The more he watched the less sex we had,,,,red flag are a wavin. Best of luck!!
    girl do not keep your mouth shut. if you ain't gettin it and he is, something is wrong here! he's ure husband too, you should be able to tell him how you feel. Or, next time you see him doing that, then jump in. maybe he's looking for a lil more excitement???
    join in that may get him back into sex with you. everyone mostly do that jerk off.but if he's not sexing you. than maybe he's thinking about someone else.but at least he's not cheating.and he's having safe sex.
    You need to talk to him asap. You shouldn't act as if you don't see this. You should tell him exactly how this makes you feel.
    It's quick %26amp; easy to jo then it is to deal with having a relationship %26amp; sex.
    Get off Yahoo and go talk to him about it, Better yet wear some sexy lingerie while doing it
    Maybe he isn't attracted to you anymore.
    wait til he's jerking off....then sneak in on him and throw a bottle of lube in his face...or better yet you go get a dildo and just play with yourself in front of him....get the rabbit vibe.....ahhhh yeahhhh
    yeah i agree, don't keep quiet, join in with him
    maybe you suck at sex?
    Confront him
    have u been pregnant b4? i hear the labor turns them off for life. lol

    Is my ex husband supposed to still pay child support since he never filed a motion to stop paying it?

    Can this be fought upon? It stated in decree that the child support was until he was emancipated. My Son is still going too college.Is my ex husband supposed to still pay child support since he never filed a motion to stop paying it?
    It depends on the state you live in. In some states Child Support continues until the child is 21 if they are in college.Is my ex husband supposed to still pay child support since he never filed a motion to stop paying it?
    I really think that depends on the laws for support in your state. If the law states up to 21 or 24 years then, yes he has to pay up until that point. If you have a stipulation in your divorce decree that states he has to help pay that obligation, then yes.

    But if the laws state that support is only until the age of 18 there is really nothing you can do.

    You might try talking to your ex and see if he will help out with his son's education.

    Good luck to you.
    Generally the father is still required to pay child support if the child is living with and still attending school even if it is college. But double check. Law are different in every state.
    If your support order didn't mention college - then he only has to pay until the child is 18. Pull out the decree and read the terms...
    The 1st answer is right. You need to check your legal papers. Personally, I don't see a problem with a college age student working and contributing to his own life.
    Child support should end at 18 or when the child graduates high school which ever comes first.

    Where can my husband and i get a loan of $15000 to open a mechanic shop?

    need lift for cars and need about $15000 to $20000 to get up and runnin

    my hubby has experience and needs somewhere to start!Where can my husband and i get a loan of $15000 to open a mechanic shop?
    A bank unless you know someone to borrow that kind of cash.Where can my husband and i get a loan of $15000 to open a mechanic shop?
    Try the bank or credit union or small business association.

    What do i file if i want to petition my husband that is already here in the united states?

    i am a permanent resident for more than five yrs. and currently filing for citizenship. i met my husband and he is an illegal immigrant. we have been married for more than a year and we have a beautiful daughter that's gonna be two in december. we're just concerned that he might deported back to his country and he really wants to do better in his life by going to school, getting a good job that he's been dreaming anyone?What do i file if i want to petition my husband that is already here in the united states?
    my dear disregard all the answers from prejudice people, no names but you know who, follow Khang 's answer, if you are a permanent residence you have a right like any other citizen to a family and whilst the law does not encourage illegal immigration there is what they call a waiver, your husband can adjust his status based on family, if your marriage is legit there is no need to worry, his will be able to get a work authorization while waiting for his papers to go through, takes about 24 to 36 months before he gets his green card, citizenship will take much longer, but read the I 485 carefully and file it to the right office, along with that file i 130, I 864,G325,I694,I765,make sure you complete all these forms together so your case is not delayed, make sure to check the poverty guidelines so you know how much you need to make before filing for him, if you don't make enough you can always find a sponsor,

    good luckWhat do i file if i want to petition my husband that is already here in the united states?
    Sorry joy but your husband is going to spend a long time for your husband to get his residency. In the U.S. the laws are thougher than anything right now for illegal immigrants to get any kind of help.It would be better for you to become a citizen before filling with Imm. The first thing you need to do is file Form I-130 that is the first step to get the immigration process going but don't expect to get any results fast.Also expect him to have to leave the country for sometime until a visa # becomes available for him to come to the u.s. as a legal resident. Go to (immigration services) and there you will find what you need to submit and download the forms to fill out.If he doesn't want to leave you will have to wait until a law comes inot effect in where he could apply and stay while the process is going but who knows when will that happen.
    This question gets asked on this board every day. The answer is the same today as everyday.

    He cannot adjust his status while in the United States. He must return to the country where he belongs. Once there you can file a petition for him (using Forms I-130, G-325 and I-134) with the Citizenship and Immigration Service.

    You can find the forms and instructions here......鈥?/a>

    For a Permanent Resident the wait for a visa is just over 5 years. For a US citizen there is no wait other than processing the paperwork.

    In the end it's likely he'll be denied due to his having been an illegal alien. At this point you will file an appeal to the denial based on hardship. I recommend using a board certified immigration attorney for the appeal, but not the petition process.

    The appeal can add another year onto the process. If successful he'll be granted an immigrant visa. If unsuccessful he'll be required to wait a period of time as a penalty (up to 10 years) before they will issue the visa.

    No matter what anyone tells you on this board, this is the truth. The only other option is to wait around and hope for some kind of amnesty, and I don't believe that's going to happen.
    joy, there is nothing to worry....

    just fill out forms i-130, i-864, i-485, g-325a, i-765 and send them all to chicago...

    read the instructions of each form carefully and if you have doubts call USCIS. they answer fast.

    good luck to you and your family.
    he needs to apply for citizenship because he can't do any of those things without it
    since he is a criminal...hence the illegal part...he needs to be prosecuted and deported...and you should be convicted of aiding/abetting/harboring a criminal. Have a nice day
  • lips
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  • Why would a husband take to porn instantly after the death of his father? hubby is not a sex man or a porn man..but he has been these last few days. Doesn't want anything to do with me..but man, instantly loves his porn?

    Any thoughts?Why would a husband take to porn instantly after the death of his father?
    It's a distraction from his feelings. It's a way to escape sadness for a while.Why would a husband take to porn instantly after the death of his father?
    For some reason when a man is going thru a difficult time he resorts to sex because it feels good. He is not emotionally ready to deal with you as a real person because he needs his space and time to heal thru the pain. Give him some time, hopefully this is just a MAN phase.
    Take him to see a therapist, to get some counseling.

    This behavior is not good, and will likely turn into something

    very destructive to your marriage. Do not leave your husband

    alone, insist that he go to grief counseling (with you). twist on Elektra Complex maybe. Creepy.

    DRAGON 2012

    ';Great fortune for U.S.';
    Okay, that explains a lot. It is time to break out the red lipstick and show him how a real women likes her men. Good luck
    Depression. Supressed feelings.
    He wants to be left alone. Put on your high heel shoes and go dancing. You are going to make him resent you.
    film urself with a guy, say.... bill. id loan him to u for 1 night. then 'accidenally let' hubby watch it. ;)
    maybe his hands are bored
    did you show him the tape we made? he still carries a gun, right?

    %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; worries in corner.
    Could be pent up childhood curiousity..

    Did his father keep him from those things or masturbation? kinda sounded like it ';not a sex man';

    mabye.. ';on the other hand'; pardon the pun.

    he has lost his endurance depending on his age,

    or far fetched and spirit wise ...%26gt;

    he decided that developing a Blindness to Adultery or to sexual explicit things would make numb his line of Sexuality in Thought.. as to preserve his soul?

    far fetched but it appeared in me..

    anyway solution?

    umm you got a video camera? make a porno with him...

    lol or make one of yourself...

    or even better catch him in the act and intervene with your own sexuality boldly. and without any reverse..

    i mean if he says no ... say to him ';your my porn';

    My husband and I owe the IRS. My husband is seeking work overseas, will he be able to get a passport?

    We have worked out a payment plan with the IRS, and have no intentions of skipping out. He just needs a passport to work overseas - to help pay the money we owe! :)My husband and I owe the IRS. My husband is seeking work overseas, will he be able to get a passport?
    No, it will not affect getting a passport. The IRS will put a lien on your residence though.My husband and I owe the IRS. My husband is seeking work overseas, will he be able to get a passport?
    I don't think the IRS has any influence on passports. He should not have a problem, but you should call the passport office to double check.
    The IRS cannot automatically block a passport application. If they feel that you might attempt to skip out on a tax debt they CAN go to court and get an order from a judge to block the issue of a passport, or order the surrender of one that's already been issued.

    Can a wife legally make changes to the way the husband credit card statement is set up?

    Hypothetical situation. What if a wife believed that it was not necessary for her husband to have an itemized statement. Could she fix it in a way that it would not be itemized and he not know where all the charges originated. Also, would it be possible to fix it so the credit card company would not tell him where the charges originated from. Just wondering.Can a wife legally make changes to the way the husband credit card statement is set up?
    HAHAHAHAAH nice try darlin'Can a wife legally make changes to the way the husband credit card statement is set up?
    Only if it was opened in both names.
    The credit card company most likely won't allow you to make changes to his billing info even if it is available because information about an account is only accessible to the account holder. Nice try though!
    If he is the primary card holder, the charge card company is obligated to disclose all transactions to him.

    From the sounds of it, his credit card may not be his biggest worry?????????????????
    So Typical. How can I lie to my husband and find new ways to waste money. Shame on you.
    If he is on the account, he can find out. If you took out a different card, in your name only, you probably could get away with it, especially if you got electronic statements.

    Of course, I have to wonder if you're cheating on him, care to fill us in?
    No, you can't do this. What are you tryig to hide?

    How long is normal grieving time for loss of my husband?

    My husband died from leukemia 5 mo. ago and I still have days when I cry and really miss him. I've started dating some and it seems every man says get on with your life and treats me like I am refusing to get over my grief. Am I abnormal or what? i have been going to grief counseling. Please help!How long is normal grieving time for loss of my husband?
    I know you are lonely, but your husband only died 5 months ago. It's too early for you to start dating. You need time to grieve and go through the stages of losing a loved one.

    This process usually takes between 2 and 3 years. I'm surprised your grief counselor didn't tell you this.How long is normal grieving time for loss of my husband?
    You are perfectly normal. The guys are telling you that it is time to get on with your life means that they want to get in your pants. That's not what you need...yet. Do your close friends and grief counselor tell you that you are refusing to get over your grief or is it just men who are trying to date you? Your friends are probably understanding of your grief process...while your potential suitors are looking at things through their pen!s.

    When my dad died, it took me over a year to get through my grief. There were times when I was really good, but then there were other days that were really difficult. The 3, 6, and 1 year mark were really difficult.

    Everyone is different. I couldn't imagine even trying to date so soon after my husband's death.
    There is no ';normal'; grieving time.
    You have every right to grieve but if you want to move on, you have to do just that. Let's think about why are you dating now is it for loneliness, or you ready to find a mate. I suggest if your just doing this just to not be lonely then don't date. Because you are holding the guy back from being serious with someone else because your toying with what it is you want to do. Second if your looking to find a mate you must move on to have a valuable relationship. I am sorry for your loss but if you could talk with him for the last time he would say move on. You know your husband is in a better place of no suffering. But you are in the land of the living and you need to live. You can still be sad for his loss, remembering who and what he was to you. I would suggest going to the grave, and tell him this may seem odd but I done it. Go to the grave and have a talk with him, and air your grievances their. You don't have to speak to him out loud just in mind. Leave a momentum their to symbolize the love you shared, and just when you know this feeling of peace will come over you. And you will know that he is at peace, and you will be able to move on. I wish you the best of luck, and to know your blessed!
    I am sorry for your great loss. You must have gone through so much before he died. 5 months is not that long, I am surprised you are even ready to date. We all grieve differently. Before your husband died, I am sure you were grieving for what was to come. Give yourself a lot more time to get out there and feel free to cry when you feel like it. You will know when you are ready to move on
    5months is very little, i wouldnt think youre abnormal it would probably take me years to recover from this. If youre still going to counseling than give yourself alittle more time to recover, if youre not ready to date than dont force yourself to. go out to dinners with friends and family occupy yourself and give yourself time. Sorry about your lost.
    5 months is not a long time at all to get over a person. I think it is too soon for you to be dating just yet, you need time to grieve. They say that it takes half as long to get over a person as the time you have known them. So if you were together 10 years the grieving process might take 5 years. However that is mainly for break ups maybe it is different with death. I am very sorry for your loss.
    if your still going through grief counsiling it doesnt sound like its been long enough to start a new relationship. you should probably use this time to make yourself strong and learn to deal with you new living situation before you start dating someone else
    your allowed to miss him. Its normal. Love will do that
    Hi Sheila, everyone grieves at their own pace. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my son 4 years ago and it still bothers me. I don't think it is something I will ever get over. I don't think 5 months is long at all. I couldn't even speak for 2 months after our loss. I couldn't watch tv or listen to the radio. I just sat and cried and cried. Now our loss was unexpected also. Perhaps it is a little different when you are expecting and can prepare for the loss. But take your time and do not push yourself into something you don't want to do yet. Also, Hospice will give you a year of free counseling.

    What can my husband do for his chronic low back pain?

    On my husbands MRI it said Large Herniated Disk( L4). All the doctor has done for him is give him pain killers. There has to be something eles he can do . The doctor also said he is to young for back surgery so all he has done is write him pain pills every month there after. There has to be something eles besides having to take pills for the rest of his life. I really hate feeling so helpless. When he is in pain its chronic. It really hurts me because I cant take the pain away. I would give him my back in a second. Thanks to anyone who can give some helping words.What can my husband do for his chronic low back pain?
    He definately needs to find a good pain management specialist and sounds like he might benefit from some PT IF and I put that in caps they are affiliated with pain management and can show ways to decompress the area and strengthen around it.

    Here are a few tricks that have helped me greatly (and I have disc problems, nerve damage and a clearing list of low back hell).

    First, hang a towel over a door (and make sure it's a sturdy door lol). Have him grasp on it and slowly move his weight to it so he is decompressing the spine. This can bring major relief in a hurry, but it is temporary, as are most of these things sadly. But hey, they get me through the day, and I find pain meds alone definately don't do it.

    Next thing I highly recommend and couldn't live without it one of those heat/massage pads. I have one in my car, one on my desk chair, and a full length chair with one built in in the living room (that was a miracle find at was either buy that chair or move into Costco..and it was under a hundred!). If you shop around for the cushions you should find good deals on them. I got really nice homedic ones for under $20. Now they also have many different varieties so he might want to see what feels best. For me the main element is heat. This has made me been ok to drive when I didn't think I could....I highly recommend these.

    I found a hand held infrared heat unit on sale so gave that a shot. I've found it really helps on bad days. I tried a more expensive TENS unit that my insurance didn't cover and while it gave some temporary relief it wasn't much better than these other things. I'd see if your insurance would at least give a trial of one of these units to see if it helps him.

    Last, I don't suppose you guys have a jacuzzi? That was one of the reasons I bought this house and it has saved me some days. If not if you can afford it I'd look into it or save for one. They are awesome to relax anways, but some nights when I am near crawling out of my skin in pain a long soak with the jets makes it livable.

    Oh one more trick.....sometimes I have found laying flat on a hard floor and half sitting up or turning sideways until it sort of pops/feels like it aligns can help. I have several types of back pan as I said and that helps one. The other tips seem to help all.

    I wish him the very best. I can tell you with 100% certainty a good pain specialist who will adjust medications and use other modalities can help a lot. I've had a bad pain md, the best in the world, and now he's away I have someone ok. I know all to well the difference they make. So best of luck in finding one of the good ones. Be sure to check the sites for the major pain management accreditions (I'll list below), and I'd suggest starting there. The first one lists accredited MD in each state.

    And make sure he knows that with legitimate pain there is virtually no risk of addiction to pain medication. The body becomes chemically dependant, but you are not addicted (nor get the euphoria that comes with an addiction). Less than 1% of those taking pain meds have any problems with this. There are tons of sites and resources, and a few great pain forums so I'd suggest you both go exploring!!

    Best of luck to you both and let me know if I can be of any more help...I've been playing the home game on this for too many years now. Sigh.What can my husband do for his chronic low back pain?
    He should see a chiropractor and perhaps a pain management center.

    Good luck..
    Don't take this wrong. Although I am a distributor and can get any of these items that I am referring, I always recommend a doctor's advise and research. I'm not trying to sell this product to you, just trying to help because I know how irritating and frustrating it can be to deal with pain.

    I use these products becuase they work for me. They work for many people as well. It's all natural and patented.

    You can go to to see exactly what I'm talking about. I wear a magnetic pad on my lower back to increase circulation in that area. My wife uses the water system which adds minerals and takes out chlorine from our city utility system.

    It has so many benefits that I can not explain here. I'll be glad to answer any questions. Email if interested.

    Good Luck!
    There is no medicine in this world to treat it. Only Alternate Systems of medicine treat it.

    As the disc is herniated you should try acupuncture first. The acupuncturist must be skilled.

    Yog will also treat it but it will take time.

    Control the sex till he is alright - once a week or twice?

    We do such things very nicely but you will have to come here. Otherwise go for surgery.
    L4 and L5 are herniated in my back. I have been receiving epidurals. I have experienced relief with each epidural. The key is taking time to rest your back. Sounds like your husband may need to find a new doctor. Mine was very helpful with my pain.
    Hello! I have had serious back problems for about 11 years now. I had surgery at 20 on L3/4, L4/5 and L5/S1 for serious herniations and again 18 months ago at 30 on L4/5 to remove bone around a calcified part of the disc and removal of the protrusion on the other side.

    Pain in a hard thing to deal with, both on the person suffering, but also those around them.

    You haven't mentioned if you have done this, but I would reccommend consulting a specialist, either a neurosurgeon or an orthopaedic surgeon, just to have a consult and hear what options might be available to your husband, because there are constant improvements bing made in this area.

    Over the years I have tried many things to reduce pain, but I would say whatever you do, do not consult with a chiropractor as they can make the problems worse. I would see a physio therapist who can ease the pain, but also give your husband exercised to strengthen the core muscles around the spine. Some physios also do accupuncture which can help relieve the muscle tension in areas such as the glutes which tend to make the pain a little worse.

    Anti-imflammatories can also be of assistance in conjunction with the pain medication, whilst you are working towards reducing the pain.

    Epidurals are an option which can work very well, whereby they inject the 'dural', hopefully resulting in the disc being shrunk, so the disc does not imede on the nerves which is what causes the pain.

    Something I have recently discovered which is working wonders for me is prolotherapy, it is hard to explain without a huge long answer, but you can read about it on I have had about 5 lots of it, and feel probably 80% better than what I did when I started and have reduced my use of pain killers substantially to the point where I can go for a week without them, from taking them daily.

    The last resort would be surgery, which I have had great success with. If you choose to go this way, investigate the person who will perform the procedure, perhaps ask if they have any patients who might be willing to talk to you about their expereince.

    A pain management program might be a good way to go, or alternatively see a psychologist who specialises in pain management. I did this not long after my last surgery and found it helpful, they don't take the pain away, but they give you the tools to cope with the pain, and also how you can better manage how it affects those around you. I know from experince that pain affects you mentally as well as physically and you see those around you hurting as well because they feel helpless.

    I really hope this helps you out, because I know what your husband is going through. Things will get better for him once you find something to relieve the pain and he will get back to doing normal things again. Im back snow skiing, playing tenis and all my normal activities.

    It is great that he has someone like you who is obviously caring and loving, and I know that it hurts you that feel like you can't help him, but I am sure that because he has someone who loves him, supports him and is there to give him a hug when he really needs it, you are helping more than you will ever know.

    Good luck with it all and feel free to email me if you would like anymore information or even just for a little bit of support when you need it! :)
    Work with both a chiropractor and massage therapist (and the principles in the book below)

    Much pain is from muscles below is an example of what may help (based on headaches).

    Begin with a couple swigs of molasses or a couple of bananas daily - magnesium (which regulates many things in the body) and potassium (a needed building block for muscles).

    Drink at least 1/2 gallons of water per day. Running a body low on water is like running a car low on oil is the analogy the head of neurology at UCDavis told my husband about 10 years ago.

    Now to the cause - muscles - your back, neck shoulders and head have tender spots. They are knots in the fibers of the muscles called trigger points. It makes the muscles tight which makes them press on nerves and other things causing the pain.

    The cure - start with a professional massage, you will also want to go back over any place you can get to 6-12 times per session up to 6 times per day rubbing (or lightly scratching on your head) every where that is tender until the knots go away. The place where the skull connects to the spine press up under the edge of the skull (to get to those muscles).

    For more information read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies. It teaches what to do and where the pain comes from.
    Below is the website of Dr. Robert Goodman. He is located in Las Vegas, and he has patients fly in to see him from all over the country, and from other countries too! He is the past president of NUCCA. Take your husband to see Dr. Goodman. If that is impossible, contact Dr. Goodman, and ask him to refer you to someone in your area. He is the best person to help you. Please read his website:

    Your husband is lucky to have such a loving, caring wife. I wish the best for you both... :)

    Where can my husband and I live in New York City for the summer?

    I want to do an internship in New York City for the summer, but I am having a hard time finding a place that both my husband and I can stay at for the summer. I guess most people do these sort of things before they get married... can someone please help me with some options!Where can my husband and I live in New York City for the summer?

    Good luck!

    RachaelWhere can my husband and I live in New York City for the summer?
    Go to:

    Click on NYC.

    From there go to sublets/temporary.

    You'll find tons of summer sublets.

    Good luck
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  • What would be a really good anniversary present for my husband?

    This is our first wedding anniversary and he is so hard to shop for and he wont tell me what he wants. Got any good ideas on what to get him???What would be a really good anniversary present for my husband?
    If you are looking to BUY him something, get him something for his desk, car, or sports activity. For guys, anything electronic will usually work. But don't stop there!!!! Buy yourself (and ultimately him!) some slinky negligee, meet him at the door and ....! Congratulations, the first year is always tough.What would be a really good anniversary present for my husband?
    Maybe tickets on a dinner cruise, or even a gift certificate(tickets) to a favorite game or show of his....GL;)
    Decorate your home/appart. Make him a nice dinner and cake and give him a night of romance and seduce him.
    a tool or electronic gadgets
    Give him good sex. It would be a good present and he would really like it.
    Give to yourself a Brazilian Bikini Wax and he will love it. Best gift ever and both will enjoy it.
    two women
    defintely a 3some
    Traditional one-year anniversary gift is a clock - does he have a really nice watch???
    In the last one year you certainly must have understood a lot of his likes and get him something you know that he has been wanting to buy but hasnt still got it.

    If your husband is a music lover then you could get him CDs of his favourite music bands...or give something that he could use for his work like a beautiful expensive pen or a wallet.

    You could also gift him a hand-made gift which i can surely say that he's gonna love it .The choices are many but you have to decide whatever you give i m sure ur husband would like it .So gud luck and a Happy Wedding Anniversary.

    When should my husband and I be baby dancing?

    I am 22 years old and been ttc since June of 2008. I am on my second round of clomid at 50mg days 5-9. My last period was Jan.19, and I was just wondering when I should be ovulating and what days I should be BDing. My cycle is usually every 28-33 days. Any help would be greatly appreciated and any clomid success stories as well! Thanks again!When should my husband and I be baby dancing?
    You should bd every other day through the fertile time of your cycle. I would start around day 9 of your cycle and go through day 20 since your cycles vary by a few days.

    If you really want to know when you are fertile, you might try learning how to chart your signs of fertility. By charting your cervical mucus, you will know when you are the most fertile and can more properly time intercourse. Then, when you see your temperatures rise, you will know that your fertile time is over and now it's time to count the days until you can test. If you don't know about charting, try a book like ';Taking charge of your fertility'; by Toni Weschler or learn from sites like If you still need help, you could try taking a class in Natural Family Planning which is used to help avoid and achieve pregnancy by knowing a woman's fertility signs.

    I was successful on my first cycle of clomid over 7 years ago. Good luck!When should my husband and I be baby dancing?
    The best way to know is to buy an ovulation predictor measures LH surge which is a hormone that is always present in your urine but increases before your most fertile days.That way you know for shure when to baby dance and you wont have to play the guessing game.Best of luck...and Best wishes.

    Can my ex-husband file an order to keep my daughter away from my ex felon boyfriend in the florida courts?

    His conviction has noting to do with children.Can my ex-husband file an order to keep my daughter away from my ex felon boyfriend in the florida courts?
    I certainly hope so. BTW - There are no ';ex'; felons, there are only felons and non-felons.Can my ex-husband file an order to keep my daughter away from my ex felon boyfriend in the florida courts?
    In a few ways, yes, he can. Why would you want your child around an x-con anyway!!
    Yes, and he should! Not only that, but he can very easily win full custody of the children away from you! He has the right to keep his children away from a criminal -- especially a FELON! There is no such thing as an EX-Felon. He is a Felon still -- even if he has served his time. You made the choice to date a felon, and in the eyes of the court, you are choosing the felon over your own children's safety (or their ability to be influenced by him), and therefore your wx has every right to get full custody, and then you will be paying child support to him!

    Sorry to be blunt, but children ALWAYS come first!
    Oh, You're just bringing her up to be a proper little lady aren't you? Ex-felon boyfriend indeed. You should be ashamed.

    Well, the answer is probably not. He'd have to file for a TRO in the interest of the child. In the absense of violence or other abusive behavior against the kid, such an order would very likely violate your ';rights'; and be void. However, he could perhaps use your poor associations to gain custody outright. Were I him, that's exactly what I would be thinking:

    Hmmm. Ex-husband... Ex-felon (in other words, a felon) boyfriend... child put through a divorce, being raised by a single mother without a father in the house, and now exposed to the company of said felon...

    I wonder what other miserable choices are disgracing your life.

    Were I the father, I don't think I'd be satisfied with a restraining order anyway. I'd be trying to change the custody order instead. It sounds as if you have no business raising children.
    It's possible. Why are you with an ex felon? Surely you can do better than that.
    He can file an order if he wants, and you can fight it. Unless teh crime is sexual or violent in nature (i.e. rape, assault), the judge might not grant the no contact so much as forbid you to allow him to stay the night when she's present.
    It doesn't necessarily matter why he has a felony. Courts tend to be conservative and question why someone would allow their child around a convicted criminal. (as do I)
    He can file anything he wants. It is up to the courts to decide whether or not it has merit and what action will or will not be taken.

    Again, I agree with the other answer, why do you want to expose your child to an ex-con? If you are choosing you 'happiness and sexual fullfillment' over the welfare of your child....then more power to the ex-husband.
    Sure I don't see why not, everything is supposed to be in the best interest of the children, I'm sure you would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot. Both parents have a right and a responsibility to protect their children. If your ex does this then it shows he really cares and is concerned about his children, which is a good thing. I'm surprised that you would even consider letting an ex boyfriend (felon) be around your children when your not even together with him.
    I think he's just trying to piss you off. He may also think that your BF is a bad influence on your child. But your Ex will have to had a really good reason and explain it to a judge.
    As I said in my OTHER answer, the COURT is the one to file the order on petition or motion.

    And it doesn't matter if his conviction has anything to do with children. As long as the court considers him a danger to the child they CAN issue such an order.

    And if you violate it, as I said in my OTHER post, you can give your ex grounds to seek and win custody.
    Well I certainly hope so. Why would you think so little of yourself to hook up with someone like that?
    i hope so
    Possibly if he has a violent felony like assult, domestic violence, murder and some drug related convictions. If his conviction is for theft or fraud it is highly unlikely. Your ex would have to prove that it is dangerous for your boyfriend to be around the child.
    If he can prove that your BF is a danger to his child, which is more likely the case being your BF is a convicted felon, then yes, it is possible and you could lose custody of your child.
    Yes he can. Have your lawyer fight it if you want, you may win you may not. It depends on what he did to get a felony and what the judge thinks.
    I would want to keep my child away from any ex convict boyfriend of my ex wife
    Maybe. You need a lawyer.
    He can file a Motion, which is asking the Court. The Court may or may not grant the Motion. It's the Court that makes the Orders, not you or your ex.

    I think my husband sperm is low and what kind of vitamins could he take?

    Ok he is a painter and i know this could affect his fertility issues. Ok so what vitamis could be good. I heard of Zinc but were could i purchase them and how do they look? Could Zinc also work for me?I think my husband sperm is low and what kind of vitamins could he take?
    You have to be careful with zinc because too much can be toxic. I read that around 15mg a day is plenty and I actually just bought my hubby a centrum multivitamin the other day with 15mg of zinc in it. If your TTC, you should already be taking a prenatal vitamin which provides you with all the vitamins and minerals you need, especially the folic acid.

    Add:: I also read that the zinc helps to increase production and motility, but a low count is a low count.I think my husband sperm is low and what kind of vitamins could he take?
    This is mostly in response to the suggestion of having your husband refrain from masturbating or sex to increase sperm count ... THIS IS FALSE ... it takes TWO MONTHS for sperm to mature. Meaning refraining to ';build up'; sperm is a complete tale. Best thing he can do is keep his boys cool and take a multivitamin.

    Good luck!

    Low Sperm can not be increased by zinc. First the test for sperm count is simple and inexpensive. Ask your OBGYN. Second the best way to improve sperm motility is for him to refrain from all masturbation and sex for 3 or 4 days then have sex.
    A good multivitamin with ZInc and Folic acid is a good thing. To help increase the motility of those he does have have him take L-Carintine or drink a Mt. Dew a couple hrs prior to BD. It's supposed to help! Good luck!
    menevit is the best for mens sperm my husband just took them as he had low sperm and we went threw ivf and his sperm was good after taking these good luck

    How can my husband switch from NG to active duty?

    My husband is currently a 2Lt in the NG and undergoing flight school training. He has 4 more years left with the NG but he is interested in going to active duty once he graduates flight school. Can anyone explain to me how he could go about doing this? Thank you.How can my husband switch from NG to active duty?
    He will have to apply for a conditional release from the Guard. What that means is that the guard will have to give him a release to join active duty. The army actually has 4 components: The active army, the army reserve, the national guard and the inactive ready reserve. Each are actually different branches within the army and when you join one of these branches it does not mean that you are part of all of them. The guard may or may not release him. It depends on their unit manning. If they are short, they may elect to keep him. If they have plenty of soldiers with his mos (military occupational skill) they will probably release him. In all honesty, he should be able to transfer but it will take some time. He may want to contact his unit while he is in training and see if he can start the process now. Good luck.

    What do you think of women having children without a husband?

    If the woman is financially and emotionally capable of raising a child on her own would she rather not because society says otherwise?

    If she for instance chooses to raise a child and not have a husband would that be wrong?What do you think of women having children without a husband?
    Today over 50% of children are born to single mothers, mostly in the low income area, as they don't like using birth control like middle and upper income women do.What do you think of women having children without a husband?
    i think if u have them purely for benefits and free housing then that is terrible there is so much of that happening these days and bad for the child but if the woman works is capable and etc no nothing wrong but ive seen so many kids be turned against parents and messed up its sad it is
    It is 2009, pretty much anything is socially acceptable. If you are capable then go for it, besides, most kids end up being raised by a single parent anyway after the ';divorce';, which, by the way, is way worse for them!
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  • What are some good Christmas gifts I can get my husband from my daughter?

    It is our baby's first Christmas, and I would like to get something special for my husband from her...any ideas?What are some good Christmas gifts I can get my husband from my daughter?
    My Mom started a family tradition (it was for my Dad's bday though) of taking a portrait of me then my two brothers as they came along every year and giving it a gift. My Dad would update the picture of us on his desk every year. Its kind of cute when you have babies and little kids because they use those fun props like a child sized fire truck and stuff like that. Plus, babies grow so fast that they don't even look like the same person from month to month. My Mom had a portrait done every month of the first year of our lives so you could see how we grew up.What are some good Christmas gifts I can get my husband from my daughter?
    I quit that, due to insufficient funds. I haven't felt right since. I started a small program called give to the needy. That includes me.
    something handmade is always best

    try taking her to a local craft store and

    see what pops out

    like painting a wooden picture frame

    with a picture of them in it

    or sowing him a tie..
    World's Best Dad mug or t shirt

    Can I file for divorce when both me and my husband are deployed?

    Me and my husband are currently deployed. Can I file for a divorce while we are there? Will it be faster to file for a Separation first or just file for a Divorce?Can I file for divorce when both me and my husband are deployed?
    Well u can if u find it so necessary but cant say what r the rules of ur state u live in. To know more just visit鈥?/a>Can I file for divorce when both me and my husband are deployed?
    You can file for a divorce while deployed but why would you want to? Marriage is a sacred service that is performed before GOD. Do you not want to work things out or have you had an affair. You did not give much detail as to the reason why you want a divorce. I urge you to not take marriage lightly and if things can be worked out then so be it whether you or him or having an affair. God looks down on divorce and vows should be taken seriously. You two need each others support now more than ever. I wish you the best and hope you seriously consider counseling to save your marriage.
    You can file for divorce while deployed however its tricky. You would utilize the Soldiers/Sailors Act to postpone your court hearing until you both returned to the states. If you are deployed for long term then one of you would need to get a lawyer who would attend the court hearing on your behalf.
    I don't see what the hurry is. You should not remarry someone else while you are deployed. Wait until you are out. Just keep joint accounts.
    Seek the help of legal counsel they can answer all the questions you ask.
    Talk to a lawyer in teh military. They can guide you. JAG if Navy/Marines/Coast Guard

    I want to buy into a small franchise and my husband is eligiable for VA loans. How do I find where to apply?

    Any information to lead me to where I get a va loan would be great.I want to buy into a small franchise and my husband is eligiable for VA loans. How do I find where to apply?
    You can call 1-800-827-1000 or you can research it at , I`m sure this will help you, it helped me. Please be patient you`re dealing with the federal gov. GOOD LUCK!I want to buy into a small franchise and my husband is eligiable for VA loans. How do I find where to apply?
    It is best to go to your local VA office and talk to the rep. Mine here has been a great help. Also the web site has some information.
    Most people use their VA loans to buy houses but I have heard of people using them to get a business. However investigate the franchise thoroughly because you don't want to invest money from a loan into something that might not work out. Because then you will be into some serious debt. If you don't mind my asking what kind of franchise is it that you want to buy into.

    What golf club would I want to get for my husband as a special gift for his birthday?

    He doesn't get a lot of time to golf (maybe 8 times a year) but is good at it and really enjoys it when he gets the chance. A medium priced driver would be what I'm looking for...any suggestions?What golf club would I want to get for my husband as a special gift for his birthday?
    Take him to a golf shop and let him choose what he wants, he might already have something in mind and just not willing to buy it. Better yet, a gift card from a golf shop with enough to buy a $300 - $400 club.What golf club would I want to get for my husband as a special gift for his birthday?
    Buying a club can be a personal thing ... size right; feel of the grip, similar weight as his other clubs ...

    But if he only gets out 8 times a year, let him work on some basic skills at home.

    1/ A Practise net for driving allows him to practise his swing and the ball only goes as far as the tent like structure.

    2/ A Chipping net allows him to work on some of his short game skills,

    3/ and an automatic putter returns balls to him while putting on the carpet inside.

    All 3 together would be about the price of a medium club or less, and he gets to use them more than 8 times a year.

    PS Happy Birthday Hubby !!!
    There are many brands and types of Drivers available in the market. New and used Drivers at a wide price ranges. Moreover, A Driver is very personal feeling and loft at 8 to 11 degree. Hence, suggest that you indirectly check with him and find out his prefer before you purchase as a birthday gift for him. Otherwise, it may not suitable or he may not like it after you bought.
    Medium priced drivers nowadays are generally in the $300 range. Be sure you know what loft (how many degrees of loft are on the clubface) %26amp; shaft flex (regular or stiff usually) he likes.

    Here are a few good bets, all of which are between $279.99 %26amp; $299.99:

    - Nickent 4DX D-Spec

    - Callaway FT-5 Neutral driver

    - Cobra X-Speed Pro Deep Driver

    - Cleveland HiBore XLS Driver

    - Taylor Made r7 Superquad Driver

    - Taylor Made Tour Burner Driver

    - Titleist 907 D2 Driver
    Inferno Titanium Complete Men's Golf Club Set with Bag about $109.95

    I purchased the Inferno Men's Golf Club Set with Stand Bag, and am pleased with my purchase. While I am by no means an avid golfer, the price for a set of clubs with the bag is great for those casual players or those on a budget. The clubs are well made and comfortable to use for an entire 18 holes.
    Every golfer looks at drivers and putters. We all want to bomb 300 yard drives down the middle of the fairway, and we all want to sink 30 foot putts for eagle. The neglected club in the bag is typically the wedges. If I had to suggest anything, look in to a new wedge or two. Here are some pretty nice ones that you may want to look at:

    Taylor Made Z-TP 119.99

    Titleist Mens Vokey Spin Milled Oil Can Wedges 109.99

    NIKE Mens SV Tour Black Satin Wedges 99.95

    All of these have a 30 trial period from, however I have played them all and can't find a thing wrong with any of them. I endorse nike so naturally I say go with those. The Taylor Made's definately have the best feel that I have ever had though. Good luck with your search and happy shopping

    There are many good drivers medium priced, I've listed a few below for you.

    TaylorMade Men's r7 Draw 460 Ti Driver

    Buy new: $199.99

    TaylorMade Men's Burner 460 Ti Driver

    Buy new: $195.00 - $299.99

    Callaway Big Bertha 460 Driver

    Buy new: $199.99

    Cleveland Hibore XL Driver

    Buy new: $149.99
    Taylor Made R 510 for 69.99鈥?/a>

    You can also look into getting a hybrid for him which are good long distance clubs you can hit out of the rough, etc.鈥?/a>
    Get him a putter. Everyone wants to try a new putter and he can practice in the living room.

    It can be very difficult to raise a teenager. My husband offers me very little support. What can I do?

    I would imagine that the ';support'; issue in central in this situation. She is basically a good kid but gets very mean and nasty when I confront her with discipline. It can be very difficult to raise a teenager. My husband offers me very little support. What can I do?
    it is very hard. try to make her feel unconditional love. maybe her behavior is due to him not helping much or participating?

    try to go to counseling. do things with her.It can be very difficult to raise a teenager. My husband offers me very little support. What can I do?
    I wonder if he disagrees with your discipline. Maybe he thinks you're too harsh but he's supporting you by not arguing or confronting you about it. Maybe he just thinks you're handling it so well that he doesn't need to butt in! You didn't really say how he doesn't support you, but I'm assuming you mean he lets you deal with it all.

    Maybe, next time you punish her, you should ask him if he thought you did the right thing, in private of course, and just see what he says.

    Teenagers are going to get mean and nasty when they get in trouble. If she's basically a good kid, maybe he just doesn't want to intervene because he thinks you're doing a great job.

    If he allows her to do things after you grounded her, that's really disrespectful. If he just lets you deal with it all, what can you do but just ask for a little help?

    If he disagrees with your punishments and he's just keeping his mouth shut, you're lucky!
    My ex was the same way. Said he didn't want the kids to hate him.

    I raised them both by myself. They were 11 and 15 at the time of the divorce. Children will test you everyday. You have to set boundaries. She will get mad and maybe even hate you at times.

    My son once asked me why I yelled at him all the time. I told him that he needed to worry when I didn't , because that meant I didn't care anymore.

    Stick to your guns. Its for her own good and some day she will realize it. My mom use to say you don't know what a mother is until you become one.

    Hang in there it does get better. She loves you.
    stand firm! don't fall for the crying, the threats of her moving out, the drama a teenage daughter will bring; How to tell when a teenager is lying.....their lips are moving! They are sneaky and conniving and will do whatever they think they need to do to get their way; hold firm! Ground her, take about keys, privileges, whatever it takes; you have to be one step ahead of them at all times!
    Just brush it off, she's a teenager, she's dealing with school, friends etc. there's a big amount of stress for a teenager. Just try to reason with her rather than fight.
    Keep the kid, get rid of the husband! WORKED FOR ME!
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  • I suspect my husband is cheating on me and I want to receive his text messages, how?

    I suspect my husband is cheating on me and I want a way to be able to know what is going on on his mobile phone. He was a blackberry, is there anyway to get hold of his sms or calls?I suspect my husband is cheating on me and I want to receive his text messages, how?
    Dear moron,

    First you pick his phone up.

    then you select check messages

    Then you read that stuffI suspect my husband is cheating on me and I want to receive his text messages, how?
    You can't get info from his phone without actually having his phone in your hand. Imagine if every call you placed or every text you sent was available to anyone who wanted to see it. You can check his phone bill but all that's going to give you is numbers, call times, and how many texts have been sent without any details. You'll have to swipe the phone when he's sleeping %26amp; do the dirty work. If he is having an affair, he's probably smart enough to have already deleted all the texts both incoming %26amp; outgoing. You might just have to confront him about it if you're that suspicious.
    don't spy on him, just tell him your concerns. Look for the tell-tale signs. Does he come home smelling like perfume, has he taken up a new profound interest, has he changed his clothing style, is he wearing a different type of underwear, is he coming home late (not biz dinners), is he sneaking away to make phone calls, is sneaking away at night, is he taking an unusual longtime to go out to get bread and milk, etc...
    if your husband has a sim card in it. You could take it out and have it read. There are device that would read it. Some computers will read it if it is setup for it. You can tell. If there are little slits in the pc that look like you can put something in there they should be able tyo read it. THE BEST THING TO DO is go to a computer store and ask bout card readers
    Yes you can!with our modern technology right now there is a lot of way you can detect all his calls and sms,First you had to do is take his phone go to settings and use call diverts it will help to get all calls and sms it will be forwarded to you!
    I get my cell phone bill online. Each call and text message received and sent is listed there. It updates about every 2 hours. You might want to check into that.
    Im not sure if this will work for blackberrys, but with an ex of mine, I swapped sim cards for the day and told everyone to email me instead of ringing me. Sure enough, some ho started texting...
    if you share the same acount # you can read them at the providers web page. Also check out to track him.
    Steal his cellphone when he's in the shower or something.
    You could steal it when he is asleep. Unless he has a PW on it...

    In a marriage is it OK for a wife to withhold affection (intimate or other wise) from her husband ?

    I have heard both men and women complain about a lack of intimacy and affection from their partners. I don't understand how partners can do this to each other and risk pushing the other in to an affair.

    In a marriage is it OK for a wife to withhold affection (intimate or other wise) from her husband ?
    Unless a man is treating his wife like garbage, then sorry there's no excuse. I've seen a number of men stating all the extra things they've done for their wives including helping with the children, house and being romantic. You know what? It didn't work. I don't condone cheating (hate it actually) but some people cheat because they're not getting the emotional or physical intimacy from their partner.

    So is your partner cheating on you or divorcing you due to a lack of intimacy more painful? I don't know about you but if I give everything I've got to someone and bend over backwards for them, I expect the same in return. Otherwise, I'd have to question their love for me and if they even care. Both people have to make an effort for a relationship to work.In a marriage is it OK for a wife to withhold affection (intimate or other wise) from her husband ?
    It's not a good idea to do so for an extended period. Now, we are not talking about a few days I assume.

    Even the New Testament addresses this:

    1 Corinthians 7:3-5

    ';The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.';

    Keep in mind this is a two way street. We all have our own idea of what makes us happy, our own priorities of emotional needs. If a woman is not feeling loved, she may not respond very well to her husband when he wants affection.

    We all can get lazy, not making the effort to make our spouse feel wanted and loved, but then expect them to just be in the mood when it suits them.

    This can go both ways, but especially for women. For example, if a woman feels ignored, gets no communication or assistance from her man all day long. But, then, when nothing is on TV, when it's late, he now wants her to instantly be in the mood. Most likely, she will say no. Just taking some time to make her feel more appreciated, to talk and listen would have really helped this situation. Maybe help get the kids ready for bed and let her have a break would leave her with more energy for her man later. Meet more of her emotional needs before, and her man will most likely get a more responsive woman later!

    Look at it from another way, if her man feels loved when he gets physical intimacy, then he may feel rejected and unloved when his wife says no frequently. Both spouses need to look at what is important to themselves and for their partner. Don't assume what makes you feel loved is what is important to your spouse.

    There is always a choice. This is not an excuse to start an affair. Someone isn't 'pushed' into an affair, it is a terrible choice that they must take responsibility for themselves.

    If one is not happy within the relationship, then seek help to work our the problem before bringing a third party into the mess. Communicate, tell your partner what your feeling. Find resources.
    A lot of men (and women) need to view this from both sides. Women need emotional fulfillment which yields to ';reciprocation'; of fulfilling the mutually desired physical fulfillment. When a man neglects his wife emotionally she will not crave intimacy. Emotional fulfillment is a prerequisite for intimacy (for most women).
    Sure,we do it all the time. Does`nt mean you have to rush off into an affair. It`s called staying faithful no matter what. It`s a lame excuse, and usually not true, to say ';She/he always has a headache'; using that as an excuse to play away.. Perhaps sitting down and discussing what to do to put the relationship right, would be better than causing more grief, by having a bit on the side. When and if it does come to that, then they should go their seperate ways.
    This has happened to me. My wife only wanted to share intimacy if I gave her money. This pushed me away. I began to put more effort in flirting with other women. I also found that many women were receptive to my advances, even if they were married. I never cheated. But it was constantly on my mind.
    No doubt. I think it is the spouse's duty to put out, whether or not they feel like it. It isn't fair to the one to do without, just because the other one wants to be a selfish little brat.
    Man I've been there. What you consider withholding my not be what she considers it. Taking a day or two or three off isn't withholding sex. Months would be.
    Yeah, why not it's nice to play hard to get and eventually give in.

    Want to find a good fried mushrooms recipe for my husband?

    I bought some fresh button? mushrooms and he requested fried mushrooms...I can't find a good recipe. Thanks!Want to find a good fried mushrooms recipe for my husband?
    Fried Mushrooms --


    1 pound mushrooms

    1/2 cup oil for frying

    2 eggs

    3/4 cup milk

    1 (4 ounce) packet saltine crackers, finely crushed

    salt and black pepper to taste


    Clean the mushrooms carefully with a damp paper towel or a soft mushroom brush. Cut large mushrooms in half.

    Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. While the oil is heating, beat the eggs and milk in a shallow bowl. Coat the mushrooms in the egg and milk mixture, then toss them in the cracker crumbs. Carefully place the coated mushrooms in the heated oil. The mushrooms will cook quickly. Cook the mushrooms until they are golden brown on the bottom, then flip them over to brown the other side.

    When the mushrooms are evenly browned, remove them from the pan to drain on a paper towel. Season with salt and pepper to taste.Want to find a good fried mushrooms recipe for my husband?
    fried mushrooms


    10 ounces fresh white mushrooms, wiped clean

    1 cup flour

    1/2 cup cornstarch

    3/4 teaspoon baking powder

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 cup water

    2 cups breadcrumbs (Panko if you can find them)


    1 Mix flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt in a bowl.

    2 Add water to make a batter.

    3 Dip clean mushroom into batter letting excess batter drip off.

    4 I find it easier to stick a toothpick into the mushroom to dip it.

    5 After dipping into batter roll in Panko breadcrumbs to coat.

    6 Deep fry in oil until golden.

    7 We like to serve with cocktail sauce.
    im a top chief this is my recipe enjoy!

    Pork and mushroom pie and Gujarati-style green beans


    For the roux

    100g/4oz butter

    100g/4oz plain flour

    For the filling

    25g/1oz butter

    2 onions, peeled and chopped

    salt and freshly ground black pepper

    1 tsp ground coriander

    1 tsp ground cumin

    680g/1陆lb pork, cut into 1-2cm/陆in cubes (shoulder or leg, fat removed)

    250ml/9floz chicken stock

    1 tbsp olive oil

    300g/11oz button mushrooms, wiped clean and sliced or left whole or quartered if they are small

    250ml/9fl oz single cream

    1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

    For the mash

    1kg/2lb 3oz floury potatoes (such as King Edward), cleaned (not peeled)

    50g/2oz butter

    200ml/7fl oz boiling milk (or 150ml/录 pint boiling milk and 60ml/2fl oz single cream)

    salt and freshly ground black pepper

    For beans

    450g/1lb green beans, cut into 2.5cm/1in pieces

    4 tbsp vegetable oil

    1 tbsp whole black mustard seeds

    4 garlic cloves, peeled and very finely chopped

    1 hot, dried red chilli, coarsely crushed in a mortar

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp sugar

    salt and freshly ground black pepper


    1. Preheat the oven to 160C/325F/Gas 3.

    2. For the roux, heat a small pan over a medium heat and melt the butter.

    3. Add the flour and stir well to create a paste. Allow it to cook for two minutes, then pour into a bowl.

    4. For the filling, melt the butter in a lidded casserole, then add the onions and season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cover with the lid and reduce the heat to sweat the onions for five minutes, or until softened.

    5. Turn up the heat and add the ground coriander, cumin and the pork. Stir for a few minutes until the pork is golden-brown all over.

    6. Add the stock, cover with the lid and transfer to the oven to cook for 45-60 minutes, until the pork is tender.

    7. While the pork is cooking, heat the olive oil in a pan over a high heat. Add the mushrooms and fry for 2-3 minutes, until they are golden-brown.

    8. After the pork has been cooking for 30 minutes, add the fried mushrooms to the casserole.

    9. When the pork is cooked, remove the pork and mushrooms from the cooking liquid with a slotted spoon and place into a dish. Set aside in a warm place.

    10. Add the cream to the liquid in the pot and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Simmer for 3-4 minutes then, to thicken the sauce, gradually add 2-3 tablespoons of the roux, whisking all the while, as the sauce boils.

    11. Add the chopped parsley and return the pork and mushrooms to the casserole. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    12. Either spoon equal portions of the casserole into individual ovenproof dishes, or transfer all of the casserole into a large pie dish.

    13. Turn the oven up to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

    14. For the mashed potatoes, half-fill a large pan with cold water and add the potatoes and a pinch of salt. Bring the water up the boil and cook the potatoes for ten minutes.

    15. Drain off all but about 4cm/1陆in depth of the water. Return the potatoes to a very low heat and continue to simmer. (Don't be tempted to stick a knife into them - the skins will break and they will just break up and become soggy if you do.)

    16. About 18-20 minutes later (or when cooked through), drain and allow the potatoes to cool slightly. Peel the potatoes while they are still hot, holding them in a tea towel to prevent scalding your hands.

    17. Return the peeled potatoes to the pan and mash well. Add the butter and continue mashing until the mixture is free from lumps.

    18. Add the boiling milk (or milk and cream mixture) if required, to achieve a pleasing texture of mashed potato, then season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    19. To make the pie(s), arrange the mashed potato over the top of the filling in the pie dish (or individual heatproof bowls if using) and lightly score the surface with a knife to create a diamond pattern.

    20. Place the pie dish(es) onto a baking tray and transfer to the oven to cook for 30-40 minutes, or until golden-brown on top and the filling is hot.

    21. Meanwhile, for the beans, place the beans into a pot of salted boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes, or until they are just tender. Drain immediately and rinse under cold running water to stop them cooking.

    22. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. When hot, add the mustard seeds. As soon as the mustard seeds begin to pop, add the garlic and cook until golden-brown.

    23. Add the crushed red chilli and stir for a few seconds, then add the green beans, salt and sugar and stir well.

    24. Turn the heat down to low and cook the beans for 7-8 minutes, then season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    25. To serve, serve generous portions of pie onto plates and place a spoonful of green beans alongside.
    creamy garlic mushrooms

    quarter the mushrooms

    chopped bacon bits




    double cream

    chicken oxo cube

    crushed black peppercorns


    fry the mushrooms and bacon bits in a pan with a little butter and oil until golden,

    add chopped onion, garlic, double cream, black peppercorns crushed, and sprinkle a chicken oxo cube.mix well serve with rice.

    you could use whole grain mustard if you don't like garlic.
    wash and pat dry mushrooms


    in pan heat 1/2 tsp of Lemon juice a bit of either onion or garlic powder and butter or olive oil

    throw in mushrooms and cook until tender do not over cook or they are icky!!!!!!

    add salt and pepper to taste just before serving
    ...OR just slice them up and saute them in a little butter. Delicious!

    2 yr anniversary> husband wants pork chops?

    i have bone less and bone in pork chops%26gt;

    any ideas?

    he likes when i put them in a bag and put potatoes celery and carrots in also and bake in oven????

    if i do that, i need to go to store?

    so i wanted to start ,marinating them now%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;



    marinate in soy sauce?2 yr anniversary%26gt; husband wants pork chops?
    I usually marinate them in Lawry's Mesquite or Hickory marinade:) ......Next time, get some very thick, boneless chops. Make some Stovetop stuffing mix, per the package. Cut little pockets into the side of the chops and put the prepared stuffing inside. Then put some marinade over the top; cover with foil and bake about 45 min at 350-375... uncover and bake another 10 min or so..... You can also stuff them with feta cheese %26amp; spinach and put a Greek salad dressing over the top:)2 yr anniversary%26gt; husband wants pork chops?
    I like mine marinated in italian dressing and then grilled. I like serving it with broccoli rice and veggies with a side salad and glass of wine.
    Spice up shake and bake or use a roaster bag for juicy chops.

    How important is the influence of Lady Macbeth to her husband?


    Lady Macbeth is a massive influence on her husband. Many people say that without her influence Macbeth would have never killed the King.

    However others have the view that Lady Macebth did not plant the ideas in Macbeth's head. He wrote to his wife, telling her of the witches prophecies becuase he knew that she would convince him to kill Duncan.

    In saying this, she did fuel his ideas, encouraging him to kill Duncan.

    Here are a couple of paragraphs i wrote for an essay last year it was 'who is to blame for the tradgedy of Macbeth.':

    When Macbeth wrote to his wife to tell her of the witches prophecies, he did so in the hopes that she would convince him to kill Duncan. Macbeth knew his wife well. He knew that the temptation of being Queen would be too strong for her to resist. Again, he made the choice to tell Lady Macbeth of the prophecies, because he wanted them to come true. Macbeth had contemplated killing Duncan before his wife told him of her plans. Lady Macbeth did not plant the seed of darkness in Macbeth’s thoughts, but merely encouraged what he had already been considering himself.

    And while it was the combination of the two central characters that began the spate of tragedy in Macbeth, eventually Macbeth takes it upon himself to murder those who he perceives as threats to his throne. By the end of the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have isolated themselves from one another. After killing Duncan, Lady Macbeth tells her husband ‘My hands are your colour’, signifying she is just as guilty as he is, and shares just as much of the blame for the death of Duncan as he does. However, Lady Macbeth plays no part in the murders of Banquo or Lady Macduff and her children. And soon Macbeth’s hands become bloodier than his wife’s.

    Hope this helps

    :)How important is the influence of Lady Macbeth to her husband?
    Lady Macbeth is almost the sole influence as to why Macbeth goes through with the murdering of Duncan - have you not paid attention to the plot? She convinces Macbeth to kill him and frame the guards. It's a vital, vital part in the play. Without Lady Macbeth, Macbeth probably wouldn't have gone through with it. So, really it's one of the most important things in the play.

    UGH, I hated Macbeth, wasn't a favourite. Hamlet is far better!How important is the influence of Lady Macbeth to her husband?
    These links will give you a better answer than what I can fit in this limited space :……………………
    If you had actually read the play you would know that she made Macbeth do the things he did out of her ambition, not his.
    Is this actually a homework assignment? :P
    Milk is good for you :D
    she pressured him to kill the king

    Why does our 2 month old kitten hiss at my husband?

    She hisses at my husband whenever he picks her up. She bit him and drew blood the other night!

    She's a total sweetheart to me....

    This is the kitten my cat had back in Sept, that we were originally going to give away but decided to keep. I'm afraid my husband's going to tell me we need to give her away now, since she's ';turning mean';, as he calls it.

    Could there be a reason she's freaking out on him?Why does our 2 month old kitten hiss at my husband?
    she's just a kitten so she doesn't know the rules. It is entirely possible that he has frightened her or threatened her some how. As far as she is concerned, you're her momma and the male is just a tom who is a physical threat to her. Your husband might try spending more quality time with her playing and giving her special treats, petting, and love. It really doesn't take long to earn their trust and once he does it will be much nicer for all concerned.Why does our 2 month old kitten hiss at my husband?
    She's a kitten. She is only playing.
    he might have done something to the kitten for her to act like that. he might have done something without even knowing it bothered her in some way
    Maybe she doesn't want to be picked up. Maybe she was scared by your husband before and doesn't like him.
    hmmm.....that's weird. your kitten doesn't trust him yet.let the cat smell him by holding his hand out.let him give it a treat.if he does friendly things for it it will learn. it may take some time so be patient.if you already did this or it doesn't work, talk to your vet or sometimes the people who work at the pet store can help. good luck!=^.^=
    Could it be she doesn't like him? Is he sure he's never been nasty to her when you weren't there? Or does she think he smells funny?

    If she's hissed at him to back off, and he picked her up anyway, it's no great surprise he got bit.
    In nature, apart from the mother cat, the only creature to pick a kitten up is a predator, so by instinct not all cats like being picked up. Perhaps she doesn't know your husband well enough yet to have developed that degree of trust.

    From a cat's eye view, humans look like giants. As men are generally larger than women, they can seem more intimidating to cats. Men also tend to have stronger and louder voices, which can be another factor. Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell, so perhaps she detects a scent on him that unsettles her.

    Have your husband kneel down or sit on the floor near to the kitten to see if that helps. Talking to her softly and offering her food treats, will help her view him as someone worth getting to know and trust him more. If she feels safe when being handled by him, she's more likely to accept being picked up by him.

    Give her time, she's just a baby, and feels more comfortable with ';mum'; at the moment.
    It could just be that she feels safer with you....In my house my cats don't go near anyone else mainly because they know that I will give them attention when they want it. When they are hungry they come and find me. When they want to go play in the driveway, they look for me. When I go outside the hide behind trees and bushes and pop out. We play in the dirt and I hit golf balls and they go chasing after them.

    Try having your husband play with her without picking her up. First grab a treat, my cats eat the ones that come in a plastic jar called shakem up. I shake the bottle and they know that it's time for a treat. Have him shake the bottle and open it in front of her. She will smell the treats. Have him give her a treat. Also, try doing it the same time every day. Also, cats like string, so have him take a string and put it by her paws and she will try to catch it. Don't give her toys with cat nip because it will make her go crazy. Also, make sure that he's on the floor at her level. It will make her feel less scared.

    Do this for a while and eventually she will let you pick her up. I have one cat that does not like to be picked up at all and two that just love it! lol.
    That is a cat for you.. they are very mood and unpredictable I think. I guess that is why I like dogs :)
    Hissing is a way of saying, kindly back off because you are frightening me. When your husband ignores this warning (or plea) the kitten can feel she has no choice and so she bites.

    If he can just ignore her for awhile, she can warm up to him at her own pace. When she is no longer frightened of him because he ignores her, he can play with her using toys and ply her with treats.

    Cats and dogs are often frightened by men and children but not often by women. Men and children are probably too rough or too active for highly sensitive cats and dogs and take some getting used to.
    hmm sounds like he might be doing something to the kitten maybe when your not around cause that cat is to little to become that aggresive for no reason
    Maybe he is picking her up too roughly, she's only tiny and man hands are strong, or maybe he's done something to her and now she won't trust him. Cats aren't like dogs, they are not automatically your friend. You have to earn their trust and once you lose it, it's hard to get back. They are very partial to bribes though, so maybe he should give her a little treat every time she comes near him, but without trying to pick her up - she'll get wise to that and stop trusting him completely.

    Patience is the answer.
    its how you treat the cat that changes its emotions, or he might just be playing. B]
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  • Why does my husband have this scar on his penis?

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