Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why does my husband's 23 and 24 year old children rarely visit him?

They do not like me, but why should my husband pay for it?Why does my husband's 23 and 24 year old children rarely visit him?
I'm not trying to be mean or rude...really.

But perhaps they don't care too much for him.Why does my husband's 23 and 24 year old children rarely visit him?
Simply put, you reap what you sow - this is especially true when dealing with children. They may fail to listen, but the never fail to imitate.

Was your husband there for his kids when they were growing up? Was he a good father to them? Was there a lot of friction between your husband and the ex wife? What about any friction between you and the ex wife? These are things you need to consider, all of the above profoundly affect the children's relationship with their parents once they reach adulthood.
Did your husband leave their mother for you? If that is the case, then they have not forgiven him for what he did.

If that is not the case, it could be how they were treated growing up (possibly ignored because Dad worked all the time and was too tired to deal with them) and how they were not raised to value their parents and family members.
it seems as though you have the answer already. Unfortunately these are not kids, and you really can';t sway their decision of not liking you. The problem does not lie with you, but rather with your husband. He should be the one trying to figure out ways to bring his family closer together.
Sometimes the way in which children were raised, the values they were taught, or the lack of values, is shown as adults. This may just be how they are, as stupid as it may seem.
While I think you think its you, it could well be something in the past between the children and their dad. You can't fix that. If he wants to maybe he can.
They could be blaming him for the divorce - and will never get over it. It's a shame that they are adults and can't stand to see their father happy with someone other their mother.

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