Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What are some creative ways to share a pregnancy with my husband while he is on deployment to Iraq?

my husband and i recently found out we were having our first child after a long wait. While its all very exciting, its also heartbreaking because after knowing about the baby for a month (im 13 weeks) hes deploying to iraq for a year. This means the baby will be 5 months old when he returns. I want him to feel like hes a part of this pregnancy and the babys life even though hes so far away. Any ideas? Anything you can think of would be helpfulWhat are some creative ways to share a pregnancy with my husband while he is on deployment to Iraq?
from one military wife to's hard!

write him letters, send pics of your growing tummy, email him videos once the baby is born, show the baby pics of him and say ';there's daddy!'; so, at least he will know the word daddy.

make sure your husband knows that when he gets back the baby will most likely not like him and won't want him, but the more he digs in and is around the baby the better aquainted they will get.

it's really hard b/c we get to be with the babies and kids all the time, but they have to leave them sometimes.

we just had our first and my husband is getting ready for deployment (only 6 months though!). we have already planned pictures, videos, emails, etc. to keep him in the loop. it's really, really hard, but you'll get through it.

take care


one thing i did when my husband was away during my pregnancy was tell him, ';ya know, i've been really hormonal today. you should feel lucky that you aren't here b/c i probably would have yelled at you b/c the dishes are dirty and i didn't have any clean socks today and the only person i could get mad at was MYSELF! AHHHH!!!!';

little stuff like that.


';ya know...i'm starting to gain some wieght, but they opened the pool today so i went swimming and i wore a string bikini!! yes, sir, i did. i didn't even care about my big ol pregnant tummy! i wore that little 2 piece and felt like a godess!!!';

any kind of fun story and happy story to make him smile. sometimes i would even keep a list with me of all the things i wanted to tell him about next time i talked to him. that way i had all my stories prepared! i never want him his heart to hurt, which i know is silly, b/c he's away from his son, so it's going to, but i try to keep it light and fun so he doesn't feel too sad.

at least by the time he gets back the baby will be getting into a cool phase and he won't have missed too many milestones. in hindsight i'd rather my husband miss the first five months than the second half of the first year (our situation) he is going to miss eating solid foods, crawling, walking...

anyway....take care and start thinking of every little thing as a story to tell your husband!What are some creative ways to share a pregnancy with my husband while he is on deployment to Iraq?
im guessing since hes in the military your using a naval hospital like me where you dont get many ultrasounds. When you do go in, i would menton it to the technician and try to get as many pictures as possible! You should get one of the sets where you can listen to your babies heartbeat that have the option to record it so you can send that to him too! Just make sure to take lots of videos and pictures and update him all the time on whats going on!
Have your husband make audio tapes for the baby. He could read childrens books, sing, or just talk to the baby. Play them everynight to your belly - loud enough for your baby to hear. After he/she is born, continue to do this and show pictures.

Your baby will become familiar with his/her fathers voice this way and will recognize him when he come home.
Email him often and tell him about the movements the baby is making in your womb. Tell him about your cravings, perhaps ice cream mixed with broccoli,

that should make him laugh.

Tell him what happens when the baby don't like your choice of food, for a meal.

Tell him which side of your body you have to sleep on, so that the baby will be comfortable.

Tell him how the baby will move around frantically, if you change

this position.

Tell him about the baby's room and which colors you have chosen for it.

Lastly, ask his advice on the names you have chosen, and the prayers

you are sending up to God that the baby will be well, and the three of you will be together soon.
Congrats on the baby and god bless you, wife of a soldier is so hard. Here are some things you can do, take pictures of your growing belly ever so many weeks and send them to him so he can see your changes. Or do a video diary were you talk to your hubby and show him your belly and video tape the baby kicking. ( This will show better during your 3rd trimester) Since you dont know the sex, have the doctor write it on a piece of paper and when we gets to call you, open the paper and find out together so that dad can hear your reaction! Video tape the birth too and dont show the graphics (you know what I mean) and send it over seas to him so he can see the baby being born. Good luck girl and god bless!!!!!
Every week, send him pictures of your belly (from the side) so he can see it as it grows.

Send him all ultrasound pictures. Some doctors will let you videotape ultrasounds. Explain to your doctor that your husband is in Iraq, and you'd like him to experience it like you do, so maybe they'll let you videotape.

Keep a ';Pregnancy Diary'; Every day, write down what your day was like--all the symptoms you had.

Take pictures of all gifts you receive and send them to him.

If you decide to find out the sex of the baby, instead of finding out on your own, have the doctor not tell you during the exam, but to write it down and put it in an envelope. Open the envelope while on the phone with him, and find out together.
send him pics of the ultrasounds...send him letters from the baby, and sign it from your baby...hope to see you soon...

cute stuff!
First, congratulations! As a military wife, I try to keep my husband updated by taking lots of pictures and linking them to him in emails. You might also want to find a photo site you like (dotphoto, snapfish, etc) to upload pictures to. That way all your family can see baby's progress. If you don't have a camcorder, now would be a good time to get one. Its not the same as being there, but at least he'll feel more a part of things.
Send ultrasound pictures and take lots of pictures and videos after the baby is born.
keep a written journal along w/ videocam moments so that you can show him on the computer daily. Congrats!
All the previous advice about sending pics of the ultrasound are great--I totally agree--I would also suggest joining one of those websites where they send you daily and weekly info about how your baby is doing and growing--info/facts like--at week 30 your baby is doing this in your belly--etc. is exciting to read and if you and your husband both sign up to those websites..then you can both get excited every day/week and can then e-mail each other/phone one another about things--It basically just makes you feel excited and happy!
while you're pregnant if you can send him packages...send him of course ultrasound pictures, maybe if you can record the baby's heartbeat send him a tape of that, send him pics of your growing belly, send him snacks that you're having cravings for, send him funny pics of you're feet swelling and you yelling at someone and things that pregnant women do that can be hard to deal with, so he feels like a part of everything!

after the baby is born, of course pictures, send a clean diaper and maybe a small doll to help him practice (all in a joking matter)...he'll get a kick out of it! send over some baby food, and just novelty items like that. Keep a journal of all that is going on so that he doesnt feel like he's missed anything!

Good luck!
I just wanted to tell you i am going through the exact same thing. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and my husband has been gone for almost two months. The baby will be around 4 or 5 months when he comes home. Its really hard with him not being here. I sent him pics of the ultrasound and pics of my belly as it has been growing. Also he got to call me during one of my doctor appts. and we got to hear the heartbeat together for the first time. If he cant call then go to Build A Bear and buy one of their sound recorders to put in the Bear... its a really cute idea. Umm... just keep him as updated as possible on all things and try to record things as they happen to you and baby. Tell your husband thank you and god bless all three of you.

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